Thursday, 5 August 2010


Final Gathering!!

Today I realized that it takes awhile to explain my project to people. We had a great turn out that day and really had a chance to be questioned by the public and how people see the work and what they thought about the main motivations behind the project.

I had alot of great conversations that day and at the end of the Final Gather I organized a informal pub crawl where we went to all the venues that housed my installations. I know I shouldn't have been surprised by the turn out for the pub crawl.. but I was. I suppose it doesn' t take alot of convincing for people to come out for a drink but it was still a great feeling that 20 odd people would come on a installation art/ pub crawl/ karaoke/ gig night/ manic dancing. We closed down Fat Sams at 3:00am! What a great day/night!



Here are the photos from all of the units when they've finally arrived at their home location!

Great feeling when we brought the front decor through the door and all of the staff saying, "I knew ours was the best one!" and taking time off to have a listen. There was alot of energy that day and made all of the maintenance and upkeep of this installation all worth it!


These film stills are pretty self explanatory.

Top marks for anyone that can guess which venue matches with which video still!

I'm extremely impressed by how many people have been asking for their own footage. It was a good choice to have the installation tour their own venue last. The building anticipation has been great since most people sort of know what to expect already in regards to their own footage but is a bit nervous with how it has turned out since each venue has been cut a bit differently.


Click the image for a larger image!

Here are some photos of people interacting with the units in the various locations that the installation was set up in. I loved the confused/ bemused look on peoples faces when they were interacting with a venue that was completely contrasting to the venue that they currently were in. As creepy as this may sound, a favorite pastime developed from this project with me camping out and watching people notice the units at the venues (almost like bird watching or people watching at the mall).


Click the image for a larger view!

Here are the five units installed in some of the venues in town!
What a great experience with people coming up to me all over town to tell me about the amazing stories that Ethel tells at the Bush Bar and also Ethel telling me that even her grandson knew that she was on the installation! We've gotten a great reception to the work since it has gone live! Wow!